Question: How should I type my address list?
Answer: Please type your list in a Microsoft Word, Word Perfect or a text file document in the following way:
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Sprites
12804 Shawnee Lane
Clarksburg, Maryland 20871
Skip a space or two and begin your next address
Mr. and Mrs. John Doe
111 Main Street
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878
Please spell out everything and do not use abbreviations.
Question: What if my list is in Excel?
Answer: We can convert it to word for you. There is a $25.00 fee.
Question: How do you want to receive my guest list?
Answer: Via email to or on a flash drive or cd.
Question: What if my guest list is handwritten?
Answer: Not a problem. We charge $ .20 cents per address to type the list.
Question: How long will it take to get my envelopes back?
Answer: Our standard delivery time is 3 to 5 business days.
Question: How do I make an appointment?
Answer: Email is the best way to contact us. Please email us at or you can call us at 301-916-6870.
Question: How long will my appointment take?
Answer: Your appointment will last approximately 20- 30 minutes.
Question: What should I bring with me to the appointment?
Answer: Bring all of the envelopes, 1 invitation, and your list (email prior to appointment or bring on a flash drive or CD)
Question: Will you check my etiquette and grammar?
Answer: Yes, we go through every list while you are here and we will go over together any corrections that need to be made.
Question: Can you put the return address on the back flap of the envelope?
Answer: Yes, we can.
Question: When do I pay for my calligraphy?
Answer: Payment is due when you pick-up your completed job. We accept cash or checks only.
Question: Do you charge a set-up fee?
Answer: There is no set-up fee for digital calligraphy.
Question: What do I do if I don’t live near you or out of state to deliver my envelopes?
Answer: 50% of our clients have their envelopes drop shipped directly to us (from the company they ordered from) or ship to us via UPS or FED EX from their own home.
Question: Will I see what the printing will look like?
Answer: We can send you a PDF file for viewing purposes only, to see what your printing will look like.
Question: What is the difference between vertical and horizontal printing?
Answer: Click HERE for a sample.
Question: What typestyles do you feature?
Answer: Click HERE for a master typestyle list.
© Sprites INK 2013 • 12804 Shawnee Lane, Clarksburg, MD 20871
301-916-6870 office •